The Power of Positive Thinking???
I’ve found myself pondering lately the abundance of “positive thinking” that’s been pouring onto my FB page. It doesn’t take very long to discover that there’s an abundance of literature available on the subject. But something about so much “goodness” and “positivity” has made my skin crawl and the hairs on my neck stand up. Is it discernment? Is it just being a party-pooper? Why can’t I buy-in to what I would have called a “fad”…except it’s been around for a long time? I’d like to share my personal thoughts about why I cannot and will not be joining the bandwagon of “speaking good” into my life all the time. My first reason for ignoring this phenomenon is that I look at my Savior Jesus and see that He did not spend every day speaking strength to His own life. Of course, He was the Son of God…can’t get much more positive than that. But He gave up EVERYTHING in His kingdom to come to our kingdom to show us how we co...