My Two Worlds

The end of life vs the beginnings of life
Death vs birth
Quiet vs overwhelming noise at times
Mature wisdom vs out of the mouths of babes
Serenity vs chaos at times
Heat vs wonderful weather
Dry vs rain
Dry love vs warm love
Kissing mom goodnight vs kissing Dan goodnight
Lonely bed vs companionship in bed
Long days vs days that fly by
16 yr old kitty vs mischievous kitten
15 yr old dog vs wags and licks and puppy kisses
Somber vs joy
Extended “family” family vs extended church family
Friends vs friends
Life at a standstill vs life on a merry-go-round
God’s love vs God’s love
God’s faithfulness vs God’s faithfulness
God’s joy vs God’s joy
His strength in my weakness vs His strength in my weakness
His hope vs His hope

The only thing that stays the same when times change is God.  He proves himself over and over again with sustaining grace to see us through every situation that comes our way.  His Word remains the same…and yet lives to speak to each need in my life.  His Presence is real every moment of the day.  I’m finding myself calm in the midst of turmoil, at rest in the chaos and at peace with His decision-making in His time…always the perfect time.  I cling to Him for wisdom.  “Yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.  For thou art with me.”  Those words are proved true in the shadows.  He’s the same God in the night that He is during the day.  He’s the same God on the bad days as He is on the good days.  The world fails to see the Truth…but it doesn’t change the Truth.  I am so grateful for a foundation built on Truth.  Tonight I trust Him with Dan’s care during surgery tomorrow.  I trust Him to work through the doctor’s hands to do the work necessary to make Dan whole again.  I trust Him to nudge my children and strengthen them to help Dan through this time that I can’t be with him.  I trust Him to watch over my children and grandchildren, knowing that in His hands they are in the best of care.  I thank Him for my friendship with Shawna…a friendship forged long ago because He knew what I would need today.  Lord, sometimes I am so in awe of You that I’m not sure there are words to tell You what You mean to me.  Thank You for being a God big enough to do what You do but intimate enough to care about me.  I love You!


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