Sometimes Love Hurts So Good

Sometimes love hurts so good.  It hurts when you know you're doing the right thing...even if it doesn't "feel" good.  Today is going to be a "walk by faith" day because walking by sight doesn't look so good.  Mom woke up feeling lower than I've ever seen.  We struggled through the morning and she did get up and get dressed because she had a doctor's appointment...but she insisted she did NOT want to go to the doctor's office.  Today is supposed to be the hottest day of the year...predicted high of 106.  I got to thinking about taking her out in the heat and really didn't want to have to take her if it wasn't necessary.  She also wanted to refuse her medications today.  I told her I couldn't make that decision because I was just her daughter not her nurse.  And then Nurse Sharon came to the rescue.  You have to love hospice nurses.  She was able to do the physical checking on the wound site that would have happened at the doctor's we were able to cancel the dr's appt.  She was willing to let mom stop her meds if she chooses.  She also brought an "anxiety" medication to help mom rest a little better and relax a little better...and after one dose she seems a little better.  It's so hard when she's down like hard not to look at the pain and fear and confusion in her eyes.  As someone who has been in control for most of her life, this must be terrifying.  She snaps easily...but that's to be understood at this point.  I just keep praying for the wisdom to try to feel what she feels so I know why she acts the way she acts.  One minute she's expressing remorse for "messing up your lives" and the next she's demanding her way.  It will be a roller will hurt...but love will win this battle and she will rest in the arms of Love when the battle is over. 

I am so blessed to have a younger brother who does all he can to encourage me.  Richard still proves to be challenging at times, but I've been asking God to let me see what He sees in Richard.  And I think he's facing the same fears about mom leaving because she's been his big supporter all his life.  Richard is a creation of the same God Who made all of us...and I have to make the choice every day to just love him.  Today I was a little heartbroken for him because one of his highschool friends was listed in the obituaries...he told me he once dated her.  So he deals with the same hurts and pains that we all do...just deals with them differently.  I wish he was as easy to love as David...but I will still choose to love him.

Good news...Dan will be getting a surgery appointment soon...after 14 weeks out of work.  So maybe by the time I get back to NY he will be feeling like his old self...well...actually...his new self has been just as wonderful.  I love him so much and am so glad something good is coming his way.  He has been my hero through all of this and continues to encourage me to stand by mom...what a sacrifice he's making. 

So today love hurts to be separated from hurts to watch mom struggle.  But it is love... so sure...that will help us get through all of this.  So it's okay if love hurts...because if it didn't sometimes, it probably wouldn't be love.


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