A+ Guide to Cancer Survival
I've wanted for months to put together something that would help me remember my experience with cancer...well, its actually an on-going experience. Sometimes I think having cancer is just like being an alcoholic...you can be through with it, but you're never truly through with it (sigh). I was asked yesterday by a dear friend how he could help his friend who was undergoing a double mastectomy. What follows is the response I sent to him...a response that I believe others can use when they'd like to stand alongside a cancer victim and be a strength to them. I apologize for the length...but there really was nothing I could leave out. ------------------- “A”lways – PRAY!!! Holding on to the Father’s hand is imperative during this time. Remember, He’s the same God in the darkness that He is in the light...or else He’s no good. He WILL walk with you “through the shadow of the valley of death”. And remember...this is only the shadow, n...