A Psalm to the Lord
You, Abba, are the Father of our hearts. You created us because You loved us, and we -- in return (more specifically, “I”) -- have failed You. You have loved me with a never-ending love and I have thrown it back in Your face at times because “I” wanted what “I” wanted when “I” wanted it. How sinful could I be against You, O Lord? I’ve used Your Name in vain, calling on You to grant “my” wishes instead of bowing to Your plans for my life and moving into the center of Your will in obedience. I’ve claimed Your name while acting in the darkness of my sin. I’ve told you, “No” in childish, immature, disobedient, willful sinfulness! I am ashamed. Yet, You, Father… Father of the broken… Father full of loving-kindness… Father Who does not give up on me… You have loved me with a never-ending love. How I’ve hurt You… and You’ve returned that hurt with Your patience and mercy and love… I am not deserving. I’m tired, Lord, of sinning against You. You ...