By:  Jamie Urquhart

Jake seems to always be in the wrong place at the wrong time as this interesting who-dun-it unfolds.  An innocent stop for breakfast at a roadside diner puts him smack dab in the middle of attempted murder…of a police officer, no less.  And other diners impossibly agree as they point to him as the shooter!  Along comes Officer Kowalski…’Ski to his friends.  Jake and Officer Kowalski will slowly but surely piece together a crime with far-reaching outcomes.  This reader enjoyed the fact that she did NOT guess the ending till the very end.  It always felt as if I were putting together a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces.  I believe that is exactly how the author intended the reader to feel.

I have been looking forward to reading this first novel of a friend of mine.  I knew it would be factual, because Jamie has years of experience as an EMT and fire fighter.  At times, the “factual” was too much for this less-experienced drama reader.  Types of guns used, medical terminology and assorted information for stealing cars and not getting caught bogged the story down a bit.  But for the avid gun drama reader, these are probably the very things that keep them engaged.

The book is detailed regarding the area surrounding several towns and cities in Kentucky.  At times some of the action seems unrealistic…for instance, the on again off again friendship between the two lead characters.  Their bond is well-established by the end of the book, but how it evolves was a little hard to swallow.

However, with those minor details out of the way, the story unfolds in dramatic fashion.  False arrest, prison deaths, online gambling, Russian mob…there is not much missing for excitement.  The story happens in a short amount of time.  Jamie has tried to carry the story through in sequence, and sometimes that led this reader to confusion.  There are a lot of characters introduced, and the story is left hanging at the end...I suspect there will be a second novel.

My grade for Interconnected:   B+


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