Another Birthday...but, oh, so different from a year ago!

I really don't remember having a birthday last year.  My daughter told me tonight that while lying in bed I ate some birthday cake with her.  Why can't I remember that?  Is it because I'm getting old?  Or is it because God has been helping to block the painful memories of last year from my mind?  I was sooooo sick at this time last year....bald as a baby's butt.....wasn't eating much because nothing had flavor (except tomatoes)... and sleeping, sometimes for days at a time.  I'd been in the hospital in the middle of November for much-needed blood transfusions...I would go to the hospital for more transfusions before December ended.  I just don't recall much of it.  It all seems like a dream now.  But I do remember then that it felt like a nightmare and I thought I needed to resign myself to never feeling good again...never having energy.  But God is still in the miracle business and used the doctors and nurses at Roswell to heal my body...and He continued working on my spirit.  I look in the mirror now and there are signs that I really went through all that.  There are scars (that I'm able to hide from almost everyone).  There's hair that's somehow even curlier and thicker than before (I still find that hard to believe).  I actually have to curl my hair to tame it.  But there's something more...something deeper...something richer.  It's a joy for life that I never had before because I took life for granted.  There's an appreciation for the simple things that now seem so a beautiful snowfall (did you do all that God just for me because You knew I'd enjoy it so much).  There's an overwhelming sense of gratitude for being able to wake in the morning...for being able to teach....for being able to play with my grandsons.  The dog and cats and fish (Buster Beta) are all so precious to me now.  I love the smell of so many things...things that I detested the smell of last year.  And today I was once again reminded that the world is full of people who care about me.  Facebook has opened the door to new friendships that I might not have enjoyed without it.  The "Happy Birthday" wishes came all day long...from students...from friends... from relatives...from my children's friends...from my husband!  I cannot deny that I am blessed... with friends galore.  I'm grateful that they challenge me to think outside the box...that they inspire me to love God more and serve Him more and become the godly example I should have been long before now.  And so I turn 53 with hope in my heart...a bounce in my steps...eyes wide open to God's continuing work in my life... and blessed beyond measure.  Thank You, Lord!!!!!


  1. Happy birthday, sweetie! Sorry I didn't see this until today. And I am happy that you see the blessings that came out of your illness - sometimes we can only see the purpose of these things in retrospect. May the Lord bless you and make His face shine upon you this Christmas season


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