My Brother Is Gone


I choose to remember…

The boy who wondered if he could watch leaves growing
The boy who wobbled on skates playing hockey
The boy whose 7th birthday cake was eaten by the family dog
The boy who ran away with me and friends for one day…till our food supply ran out
The boy who locked arms with me and those same friends and walked down the road in Florida singing at the top of our lungs, “We all live in a Yellow Submarine”
The boy who bit into an “elephant ear” and burned his tongue
The teen who played football and had friends
The young man who served honorably in the Army 82nd Airborne
The construction worker who built houses with his hands
The uncle who taught Bible verses to his niece and nephews
The chef who could make a meal out of 3 ingredients
The rescuer of all small creatures
The recluse who loved solitude
The man who saw beauty in the unique
The man whose broken heart caused him to refuse to be loved
The man whose independence was mysterious
The man who tried so hard not to damage the physical world

I choose to forget…

I say goodbye to you today and pray that you have finally found the peace you sought so long and hard to find.  Thank You, Lord, that in Your wisdom You do things I do not understand…but I trust You to know what’s best for me.  This was the brother You gave me.  Forgive me for hurting him.  Forgive him for hurting me.  Forgive me for not knowing how to be the sister he needed or wanted…but for helping me be the sister You created me to be.  Work to good those painful things that came between us, Lord, that Your name may be glorified.  Amen.



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