Thank You, Ruston
Funny how the call to return to the town of my teenage years brought fear and frustration to my heart three months ago. I did not have wonderful memories to return to...or so I thought. I didn't know anyone after 30+ years away...or so I thought. And worst of was sum-sum-sum-sum-sum-sum-summertime!!! I did NOT want to make this trip. I did NOT want to walk the path that lay before us in caring for mom's final journey home. I did NOT want to separate from my husband, children and grandchildren to go back to a place that held no connection to my heart.
And then I came "home" and discovered that Ruston is a beautiful city. Ruston is a growing city...a lot of building going on in a time when economic issues seem to be shutting down the rest of the country. Ruston is a breath of fresh air. It's a beautiful little town...big enough to be entertaining...small enough to be friendly. But it truly is the people of Ruston that make it so wonderful.
Turned out there were lots of friends still in my life...older friends...younger friends...newer friends. Everyone who came to see mom embraced me and made me feel welcome...truly welcome. It was a joy to reconnect with aunts and cousins who I'd forgotten were such wonderful people. The dear people of New Hope church welcomed me back with open arms...35 years after I left there. There were still a couple dozen members that were there... amazing. They cared for our family after the graveside services, loving us as if we'd never left. The sweet friends from Hico Baptist Church who visited and called faithfully, looking for ways to serve mom in her time of need. The wonderful people of Cook Baptist Church where my parents had worshipped these last few years in Ruston who reached out to feed us, visit us, send cards, wasn't the only one overwhelmed with all the love. My dear friends who came to cheer me up...Shawna Pate, Becky Strozier, Kathy Bamburg...all sacrificing their time to check on me and lift my spirits.
Then there were the wonderful new friends God blessed me with: Melanie Martin who gives and shows love in "practical" ways and unorthodox ways (thanks again for letting me take your place at the piano when I so needed it.). Tracie's co-worker and dear, dear, dear, dear friend who raced home from school to sit by mom's side and share "Jeopardy" episodes and who opened her home to mom's pets. George Green, mom's "boyfriend" whose twinkling eyes won me over in about 2 seconds. Mac and Judy Ward who "adopted" my parents at Cook Baptist Church and were so faithful to mom. The Parks family who came by so often and just blessed us with their friendship. It's amazing how quickly we become friends with members of "The Family"...God is so good.
The garbage is out...the boxes are packed and loaded in the van...decorators have been by to begin thinking of ideas to help us turn this home into our home-away-from-home in the near future. Tonight we finish washing a load of clothes and packing our suitcases. Tomorrow I will leave Ruston for the first time without leaving my parents behind. Their bodies may be resting at New Hope Cemetery...but their spirts...the part that was really who they were...are safe in the Kingdom of our Lord. They will be their to greet me when it's my turn to make that journey. They have showed me the way. And Ruston is a wonderful final place to step from this earth into the arms of God.
Thank you, Ruston, for loving me again and for helping me to find my way "home". We'll be back soon!
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